lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

USA is different...nos queda mucho camino en España

Buenos días a todos, hace tiempo que no me animo a actualizar el blog, pero hoy lo hago y de manera masiva, como siempre tengo como referencia a mis amigos terapeutas ocupacionales de Estados Unidos, espero poder algún día trabajar allí, aunque con el tema del reconocimiento del título y un rollo, si sois alumnos en España pedid que soliciten el reconocimiento de la titulación por la WFOT, yo ya lo he hecho en mi Universidad, eso sí, no se si me habrán hecho caso. Alla voy con el post, de qué se trata, pues de como un terapeuta ocupacional te puede ayudar en todos estos temas, eso sí en inglés, pero ya podíamos tener una versión en castellano, ya sabeis, si vais a hacer un corta-pega literal, cuidado con los derechos de autor que se os cae el pelo, pero da buena idea de todo lo que nos queda por recorrer. Espero que os resulte interesate. Hasta pronto


Fact Sheets Master List (listed alphabetically)

Addressing Sensory Integration Across the Lifespan Through Occupational Therapy
Dementia and the Role of Occupational Therapy NEW!
Driving and Transportation Alternatives for Older Adults Updated 3/12
Functional Capacity Evaluation Updated 3/12
Home Modifications and Occupational Therapy
Mental Health in Children and Youth: The Benefit and Role of Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy: A Vital Role in Dysphagia Care
Occupational Therapy and Community Reintegration of Persons With Brain Injury
Occupational Therapy and Prevention of Falls Updated 3/12
Occupational Therapy and School Mental Health
Occupational Therapy and Universal Design for Learning
Occupational Therapy for Young Children: Birth Through 5 Years of Age
Occupational Therapy in Acute Care Updated 3/12
Occupational Therapy in Home Health Care
Occupational Therapy in School Settings
The Occupational Therapy Role in Driving and Community Mobility Across the Lifespan Updated 3/12
The Occupational Therapy Role in Rehabilitation for the Person With an Upper-Limb Amputation
Occupational Therapy Services for Persons With Visual Impairment
Occupational Therapy Using a Sensory Integration–Based Approach With Adult Populations
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Adult Cognitive Disorders
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Assisted Living Facilities
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Bariatric Care
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Breast Cancer Rehabilitation NEW!
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Diabetes Self-Management
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Health Promotion
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Managing Arthritis
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Mental Health Recovery
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Restraint Reduction or Elimination
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Senior Centers
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Skilled Nursing Facilities
Occupational Therapy’s Role With Autism
Occupational Therapy’s Role With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
OT Services at the Workplace: Transitional Return to Work Programs
OT Services in Work Rehabilitation
Returning to Work With Cognitive Impairments NEW!
The Role of Occupational Therapy for Rehabilitation of the Upper Extremity
The Role of Occupational Therapy in Chronic Disease Management
The Role of Occupational Therapy in Facilitating Employment of Individuals With Developmental Disabilities
The Role of Occupational Therapy in Oncology
The Role of Occupational Therapy in Palliative Care
The Role of Occupational Therapy With Children and Youth
Tips for Educators: Help Students With Autism Achieve Greater Success in Academic Performance and Social Participation
Transforming Caseload to Workload in School-Based and Early Intervention Occupational Therapy Services
Transitions for Children and Youth: How Occupational Therapy Can Help

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